Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rally in support of Cordoba House

As a national controversy is growing over the building of the proposed Cordoba House, New Yorkers will welcome Muslims to downtown Manhattan on Sunday August 22. 

The Coalition to Stop Islamophobia announced today that it will gather near the proposed site at the former Burlington Coat Factory location on Park Place Sunday to “counter racist messages and attacks against Muslims and Islam,” and to “welcome Cordoba House.” 

Opponents of Cordoba House say they will come to New York Sunday “to push back against those attempting to impose harsh Shariah Islam, stealth jihad or terror on our nation.” 

New Yorkers to Say “Welcome Cordoba House” at Sunday Gathering to Stop Islamophobia. Visible street presence to counter foes of so-called “Ground Zero Mosque”. Rally was held at Church & Warren Streets in Manhattan. The name Cordoba house was changed to Park51.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

29th annual AAJA Convention in Hollywood, CA

I was invited as a guest photographer by my comrade in arms, Corky Lee, to 29th annual Asian American Journalist Association (AAJA) Convention in Hollywood. The 2010 convention, widely viewed as one of the best in AAJA’s history, honored for the first time in its 29 years, its Founders and Asian American Pioneers in journalism as a group. The event turned out to be the greatest gathering of pioneer Asian American journalists (AAJA) in history.

Anna-Belle Udo, Suzanne Kai 

Thirty-six of 107 individuals, more than half of all living Asian American pioneers in U.S. journalism (1925-1975), were honored by the Asian American Journalists Association at the unveiling of AAJA’s Honor Roll of Asian American Pioneers in Journalism.

I was honored to work with Suzanne Joe Kai, AAJA-LA board member, and Annabelle Udo-O’Malley, AAJA events and fundraising coordinator, and the 2010 AAJA National Convention Founders and Pioneers Opening Reception Committee members Leezel Tanglao.

AAJA HONOR ROLL names and categories can be seen here: Pioneers in U.S. Journalism, Change Agents, Pioneers in Asian Community Press, and Pioneers in Asian American media.

Suzanne Kai

I was honored to photograph many of the pioneers:

Corky Lee, Anna-belle and Emil

Ben Fong-Torres and Connie Chung