Sunday, May 30, 2010

Santa Krusan in New York City

Santa Kruzan Festival in New York City
SOHO, New York City
Civil Rights Activist Photograper Corky Lee invited me to shoot annual Santa Kruzan festival. Corky has been photographing Santa Kruzan festival for many years. It was my first time to attend event however.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Should Same Sex Partners Be Added to the Lease?

I was commissioned to be camera man for Lawers' Roundtable which was 
later broadcast on Manhattan Cable TV. 

Guest: Garrett Wright
Host: Steven De Castro

Products used for this shoot:
The shot was done near Korea Town on 32 street in Manhattan.


Could Your Super Be A Sex Offender?

Assemblymember Micah Kellner proposes a law barring level 3 sex offenders from working as supers in apartment buildings. ;Starring Adam Leitman Bailey, Bob Silversmith, Lucas Ferrara, Carol Anne Herlihy, Seth Miller, Bruno Bianchi. Host: Steven De Castro

Keeping Politicians Honest

I was commissioned to be a camera man for Lawyers' Rountable. 

In the show, Assembly member Micah Kellner proposes an "Honest Services" statute, to counter corruption in Albany. Also guest-starring is Council member James Sanders Jr.

Starring Bob SilversmithAdam Leitman BaileyLucas A. FerraraSeth MillerCarol Ann HerlihyBruno Bianchi and Steven DeCastro.

Eventually Lawyers' Roundtable became a show on Manhattan Cable TV.

Products used for this shoot:
The shot was done near Korea Town on 32 street in Manhattan.


Lawyers' Roundtable Discussing the Stuy Town Decision

New York's top landlord and tenant lawyers discuss the recent Stuy Town decision
which is the largest rent overcharge case in history.

Eventually Lawyers' Roundtable became a show on Manhattan Cable TV.

Products used for this shoot:

The shot was done near Korea Town on 32 street in Manhattan.
