Thursday, September 16, 2010

Knowledge is Power Initiative

Was camera man for video content at Knowledge is Power Initiative website.
Taping was done at DCTV.


  • Steve De Castro, host
  • Lucas Ferrara
  • Bruno Bianchi


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rally in support of Cordoba House

As a national controversy is growing over the building of the proposed Cordoba House, New Yorkers will welcome Muslims to downtown Manhattan on Sunday August 22. 

The Coalition to Stop Islamophobia announced today that it will gather near the proposed site at the former Burlington Coat Factory location on Park Place Sunday to “counter racist messages and attacks against Muslims and Islam,” and to “welcome Cordoba House.” 

Opponents of Cordoba House say they will come to New York Sunday “to push back against those attempting to impose harsh Shariah Islam, stealth jihad or terror on our nation.” 

New Yorkers to Say “Welcome Cordoba House” at Sunday Gathering to Stop Islamophobia. Visible street presence to counter foes of so-called “Ground Zero Mosque”. Rally was held at Church & Warren Streets in Manhattan. The name Cordoba house was changed to Park51.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

29th annual AAJA Convention in Hollywood, CA

I was invited as a guest photographer by my comrade in arms, Corky Lee, to 29th annual Asian American Journalist Association (AAJA) Convention in Hollywood. The 2010 convention, widely viewed as one of the best in AAJA’s history, honored for the first time in its 29 years, its Founders and Asian American Pioneers in journalism as a group. The event turned out to be the greatest gathering of pioneer Asian American journalists (AAJA) in history.

Anna-Belle Udo, Suzanne Kai 

Thirty-six of 107 individuals, more than half of all living Asian American pioneers in U.S. journalism (1925-1975), were honored by the Asian American Journalists Association at the unveiling of AAJA’s Honor Roll of Asian American Pioneers in Journalism.

I was honored to work with Suzanne Joe Kai, AAJA-LA board member, and Annabelle Udo-O’Malley, AAJA events and fundraising coordinator, and the 2010 AAJA National Convention Founders and Pioneers Opening Reception Committee members Leezel Tanglao.

AAJA HONOR ROLL names and categories can be seen here: Pioneers in U.S. Journalism, Change Agents, Pioneers in Asian Community Press, and Pioneers in Asian American media.

Suzanne Kai

I was honored to photograph many of the pioneers:

Corky Lee, Anna-belle and Emil

Ben Fong-Torres and Connie Chung

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Celebrating Chinese Culture

A show to commemorate Chinese New Year holiday. Featured segments about holiday foods, Tang Dynasty poetry reading and comments from students of a Chinese language Meetup group called Mandarin Monday. They get together on a weekly basis to practice Mandarin language. All are welcome to sit at the dinner table, sip tea and talk Chinese all night long.

Mandarin Monday Meetup group is over 6 years old and has over 1600 fans. 

The show was hosted by Minnie Chen and Yen L. Lee. 

The show was re-broadcast on many cable TV networks like Verizon FiOS, Time Warner, RCN and Cable Vision using public access facilities  below.
Products used at the shoot

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Santa Krusan in New York City

Santa Kruzan Festival in New York City
SOHO, New York City
Civil Rights Activist Photograper Corky Lee invited me to shoot annual Santa Kruzan festival. Corky has been photographing Santa Kruzan festival for many years. It was my first time to attend event however.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Should Same Sex Partners Be Added to the Lease?

I was commissioned to be camera man for Lawers' Roundtable which was 
later broadcast on Manhattan Cable TV. 

Guest: Garrett Wright
Host: Steven De Castro

Products used for this shoot:
The shot was done near Korea Town on 32 street in Manhattan.


Could Your Super Be A Sex Offender?

Assemblymember Micah Kellner proposes a law barring level 3 sex offenders from working as supers in apartment buildings. ;Starring Adam Leitman Bailey, Bob Silversmith, Lucas Ferrara, Carol Anne Herlihy, Seth Miller, Bruno Bianchi. Host: Steven De Castro

Keeping Politicians Honest

I was commissioned to be a camera man for Lawyers' Rountable. 

In the show, Assembly member Micah Kellner proposes an "Honest Services" statute, to counter corruption in Albany. Also guest-starring is Council member James Sanders Jr.

Starring Bob SilversmithAdam Leitman BaileyLucas A. FerraraSeth MillerCarol Ann HerlihyBruno Bianchi and Steven DeCastro.

Eventually Lawyers' Roundtable became a show on Manhattan Cable TV.

Products used for this shoot:
The shot was done near Korea Town on 32 street in Manhattan.


Lawyers' Roundtable Discussing the Stuy Town Decision

New York's top landlord and tenant lawyers discuss the recent Stuy Town decision
which is the largest rent overcharge case in history.

Eventually Lawyers' Roundtable became a show on Manhattan Cable TV.

Products used for this shoot:

The shot was done near Korea Town on 32 street in Manhattan.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Earth Day: 40th Anniversary Show on Cable TV

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, a 28 minute show about Kids' ISO 14000 Programme will be broadcast on Manhattan cable TV. The show highlights the closing ceremony for Kids' ISO14000 Programme at NYC Public School IS227 and signing ceremony at United Nations in New York in order to start Kids'  ISO 14000 programme in Ontario public schools.

Prof. Takaya Kawabe

The Kids' ISO 14000 Programme develops environmental awareness among children and young people. It teaches them to implement environmental management based on the ISO 14000 approach in their homes and communities. The program opens them to the value of networking with young people in other schools, communities and countries in order to bring the force of collective action to global environmental issues.
The Kids' ISO 14000 Programme begins by developing environmental awareness - but goes much further. What makes it special is that it nurtures autonomous, "environmentally mature" children and young people who are confident in their ability to act positively on the environment.
They learn by their own experience that their actions can have a beneficial impact on the environment. In addition, they learn to network with children in other schools, communities and countries and so discover that collective action can be a force multiplier for resolving global environmental issues.
About KIDS ISO 14000 Programme
The Kids' ISO 14000 Programme was created by Prof. Takaya Kawabe and Ms. Miyuki Koyama, respectively President and Secretary-General of the Japanese non-profit, non-governmental organization ArTech which operates the program. 
Download Press Release 
Show was re-broadcast many times on public access tv organizations below.
